Monday, August 24, 2009

Say Hi

(Formally "Say Hi To Your Mom")

So, he opened for the Cloud Cult concert I went to, and I became like an insta-fan.

I own the cd "Oohs and Aahs", and I really like it. I don't know much about him, other than he's from Seattle, he does all this out of his basement, and he's on twitter.  I'd totally get you the twitter name, but it's DOWN RIGHT NOW....I'll update when they stop being so full of fail-whale. (Aaaand, we're back!  The twitter name is @ericelbogen )

In the meantime...enjoy!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cloud Cult

Oh, Cloud Cult...where to start?? I love them. They're amazing. I was so, so lucky to get to go see them in Portland this year, and it was an absolutely mindblowing show!

I discovered them last year sometime, and their backstory is so heartbreaking (wiki it) and the songs that Craig wrote about his son are some of the most emotional, tragic things, and can seriously reduce me to a big, pathetic mess of tears.  And there were a few albums like that.  But, then he wrote "Feel Good Ghosts."-- Get it. Download it. Whatever. You won't regret it.

I'm adding a few video links of them, because they deserve it.

Seriously. Best. Band. Ever.

Ingrid Michaelson

So, I just discovered her, and I'm still in that kind-of new, obsessive state I get when I find an artist I really like. But, all the same, she's pretty full of awesome, and I heart all of her songs. (Plus, she's a redhead with glasses, so c'mon...I believe I HAVE to support her.  I think it's in the rules.)

There is a new album coming out on the 25th ("Everybody") and she has been streaming a song a day from it on her website and I can tell you that every song I've heard so far has been really good, and kind-of where I am in my life right now, so I love them even more for that.

This song is probably my favorite so far, but I haven't heard the whole new album yet, so that could change...but, I still love this song.  Hope you enjoy!

What Is This, You Ask?

Okay, so maybe I don't have it in me to do much of a personal blog anymore.  My life, right now, is too personal inside me to really be open about much of it. At least without sounding like either a complete idiot or someone who needs to be institutionalized.  BUT, with that said, I kinda miss it a little.   So, I got to thinking, what could I blog about pretty regularly, and not be too whiny or pathetic about?

Then, I was having a discussion on Twitter with my friend, and he mentioned (joking, I know!) that maybe I should start up a blog called "Lunatic Redheads Tell You About Good Music." Well, Vahid, that title is WAY too long, but it was a good idea, actually!  So, here's the shorter title, but the same premise.

I love music. Period. I don't listen to it as much as I should, and I don't play it even remotely as much as I should. I know how to sing, but I don't. I know how to play piano, but I don't. I don't know why this is, but at least I should listen to it more! That doesn't take much effort, after all!

So, the idea behind this blog is thus...I will link to a video (either live or studio) of an artist I think y'all should check out, give you a little info on them, or why I like them, and that will be about it.  Maybe some personal stuff thrown in about why the music speaks to me, yadda yadda...but, really...that should be pretty simple, right?

So, here goes...