Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ingrid Michaelson

So, I just discovered her, and I'm still in that kind-of new, obsessive state I get when I find an artist I really like. But, all the same, she's pretty full of awesome, and I heart all of her songs. (Plus, she's a redhead with glasses, so c'mon...I believe I HAVE to support her.  I think it's in the rules.)

There is a new album coming out on the 25th ("Everybody") and she has been streaming a song a day from it on her website and I can tell you that every song I've heard so far has been really good, and kind-of where I am in my life right now, so I love them even more for that.

This song is probably my favorite so far, but I haven't heard the whole new album yet, so that could change...but, I still love this song.  Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. She's great live. I've been loving on her for a while now and all of her albums are worth buying. It's not often I say that!
